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Would you like to join our ministry in Borneo? Some options are:


  • Through prayer and intercession

  • By coming over for a short or long term period and use your talents and gifts to help out in the many areas we need help in

  • Through financial support: by committing to sponsoring a child every month or by giving a one of donation. To give a one of donation/love offering please find your corresponding country and use the payment methods provided to donate, please specify in the reference it is a 'one off offering'.


If you would like to send an additional gift for the children’s  “Christmas and Birthday Fund” you can do so by sending it via the account you are using now for child/youth sponsorship. Please make sure though you specify that it is for the “Christmas and Birthday Fund”.



Sponsor one of the children





If you would like to sponsor one of the children or young people in the ministry you can contact us via: You will receive a photo of your sponsor child and we try to send an update about your child every year.. You can also send your sponsor child a letter or birthday card (please keep in mind that it may take a few weeks before post arrives to us)


Postal address:
PO Box 3203
Kuching 93762
Sarawak, Malaysia



For our Indonesian sponsors/donors please use our Indonesian bank account:

Name Account: Perkumpulan Sungai Kehidupan Borneo
Account Number: 3049 – 01 – 022215 – 53 – 9

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