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"Miracle Zone"

“Miracle zone” in jungles of Borneo

By Ronny Heyboer and Donald Sheley

To Purchase the book within Australia and New Zealand:

Australians & New Zealanders wanting to purchase the book '“Miracle Zone" in the Jungles of Borneo' can do so by emailing Kay Heyboer at

For Australians the cost of one book is $20 AUD plus $5 postage and packaging.

Please ask Kay the price for postage and packaging for more books.

For New Zealanders the cost of one book is $20 NZD plus $12 NZD for postage and packaging.

Prices vary based on printing and shipping costs specific to each country.

Methods of payment:

Option- 1: Cheques

Please make payable to “cheques Living Waters Borneo”. Please include a note saying it’s for “Book- Miracle Zone”.

Send to: Living Waters Borneo, C/- Calvary Christian Church, P.O. Box 420, Aitkenvale, QLD 4814 Australia

Option – 2: EFT transfer:

To make an EFT transfer use:

Account Name:      Living Waters Borneo, BSB: 084-970,

Account Number:   476-712-847

Reference:             Your Name + “Book Miracle Zone”

Dutch and Chinese copies are also available.. For more information about purchasing '"Wondergebied" in de jungles van Borneo' and other translations please contact us.


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