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Hier im Dorf ist immer etwas los und es gibt keinen langweiligen Tag. Von der Schule, über das Kochen, bis hin zu unserer Vorschule und Tagesbetreuung und den wunderbaren Leuten, die das Dorf am Laufen halten. Es gibt im Dorf viele verschiedene Bereiche zu erleben, hier unten sind nur ein paar unserer Fotos vom täglichen Geschehen.






God's beautiful creation

God's beautiful creation

Having fun in TC!

Having fun in TC!

Afternoon fishing

Afternoon fishing

Finding hidden treasures

Finding hidden treasures

Our great team of missionaires

Our great team of missionaires

Our guys studying in Pontianak

Our guys studying in Pontianak

Training center

Training center

Our Welly

Our Welly

Evening table football competitions!

Evening table football competitions!



Having fun playing

Having fun playing

Off for a shower in the river!

Off for a shower in the river!

Kuching trips

Kuching trips

Our guys serving in Kalteng

Our guys serving in Kalteng

Sanggau Immigration visiting

Sanggau Immigration visiting

Playing football!

Playing football!

God's amazing protection

God's amazing protection

Container coming!

Container coming!

Pak roel having fun!

Pak roel having fun!

Afternoon vollyball

Afternoon vollyball

Afternoon Football

Afternoon Football

Serving the Lord!

Serving the Lord!

Beautiful afternoon

Beautiful afternoon

Sunset here at LWV

Sunset here at LWV

Our Training center

Our Training center

Training center

Training center

Road to school!

Road to school!

Rainbow Blue House

Rainbow Blue House

Our amazing Board

Our amazing Board



Preparing Lunch

Preparing Lunch

Feeding the pigs

Feeding the pigs

Our Christien with Vivi

Our Christien with Vivi

River fun

River fun

Our Sami having fun!

Our Sami having fun!



Organizing the veggies

Organizing the veggies

Kids class

Kids class

Our amazing baby care parents

Our amazing baby care parents

Starting the day

Starting the day

Unloading fooooood

Unloading fooooood

Our Beautiful Rina

Our Beautiful Rina

Our Ezra

Our Ezra

Sewing Room

Sewing Room

Preparing the Veggies

Preparing the Veggies

Our beautiful Clau and Tan

Our beautiful Clau and Tan

Our Lydia

Our Lydia

Our Apri and Harun

Our Apri and Harun

Clean up!

Clean up!

Our Christien

Our Christien

Let the rivers flow!

"I've got a river, of living waters, a fountain that will never run dry!"

Fountains of Living Water

Fountains of Living Water

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