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There are still so many tribes and so many people who are yet to hear the gospel. Many rural tribes that are hungry for the word but without Pastor or Church leader. Here in Living Waters Village we make regular trips to these villages. Making regular trips to encourage our Church planters and to look for villages which are in need of a Pastor or help where some of our guys/girls from the village can help at. These trips are not only for leaders or adults but also for young adults/teenagers with a heart for missions, to go out into places where others wouldn't dare. Many of the villages that we find which are in need of help will be future villages for our Bible school students to be able to serve at, Praise God!

Mission trips


Kalteng trip

On a regular basis teams from the ministry will go out, with Bible in hand and fire in their hearts to share the gospel to follow the commission God has given us. "GO". Check out here to see  more about a recent trip into central Kalimantan.

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