Singapore - Kindsponsoring
Hallo daar!
We zijn ontzettend blij dat God het op je hart heeft gelegd om een kind te sponsoren. Het is dankzij God die geweldige mensen zoals jij gebruikt dat deze kinderen hun volledige potentieel kunnen bereiken. Sponsor worden is een fluitje van een cent, dat beloof ik, volg gewoon de onderstaande instructies.
God zegene je enorm!
Option 1 - Giro:
The most popular and easiest way.
You can set this up yourself via your personal internet banking or Please download our Living Waters Village Ltd GIRO form and complete PART-1 and send to:
Living Waters Village Limited,
600 North Bridge Road,
#05-01 Parkview Square,
Singapore 188778.
The whole process can take up to 3 weeks from application to approval.
Option 2 - Direct deposit:
Bank Name: OCBC
Account Name: Living Waters Village Limited
Account number: 686303199001
Please email anna.yeoh@bakertilly.sg if you require a receipt.
Or telephone : +65 6336 2828 or +65 6213 7656
Option 3 - Cheques:
Make cheques payable to Living Waters Village Limited and sent to:
Living Waters Village Limited
600 North Bridge Road,
#05-01 Parkview Square,
Singapore 188778.
You will receive a receipt with each cheque received.
Option 4 - Paynow:
Paynow UEN: 201403743M
You may pay monthly, quarterly, half yearly or yearly.
Option 5 - Pastor Ronny & Kay Heyboer's personal support:
A different account has been set up for this purpose.
Bank Name: OCBC
Account Name: Marinus A.B. Heyboer (Ps Ronny's official name)
Account number: 5178 6276 9001
Please email ronnyheyboer@gmail.com if you require a receipt.
Living Waters Village Limited
600 North Bridge Road,#05-01 Parkview Square, Singapore 188778.
T: +65 6336 2828 // F: 65 6339 0438 // E:anna.yeoh@bakertilly.sg