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"My time in LWV was life changing. Meeting God in a whole new way and being able to see the kids enjoy life and grow up with the joy of the Lord was so amazing."



LWV- The Vision Coming To Life

Set in the heart of the West Kalimantan Jungle, Living Waters Village has not only grown to be a home for over 700 Dayak children but a family too. With a vision to provide accommodation for 1,000 neglected children and school for 2,000, Living Waters Village is truly a Miracle Zone. 

           We have over 300 hectares of land on our property (that's over 700-800 acres!), which is set in the midst of the dense jungle. With God's hand and providence, we now have finished various buildings and others which are still planned and in process. Homes for girls and boys, various Asrama's (homes with about 10 - 35 children in all ages together with house elders), workers’ and teachers’ accommodation, training centre, Praise & Worship centre, clinic, bakery, administration building, a nursery for the babies, visitor's quarters, sewing rooms, Primary school, Senior High/High School. God is truly at work and alive here at Living Waters.

           Each child in Living Waters Village can grow, not only physically but also fed and trained spiritually. Every child which God sends to Living Waters Village is equipped so that they are able to return to their villages later, as well as other villages that are still unreachable, to bring the good news of Jesus to those who are still lost. They can be testimonies of God's love, share of miracles, the love which they've received and how this same love is for others to receive also. We don't just have children growing up here but we have future teachers, future Pastors, future Politicians and even future Presidents!



Living Waters Village

Living Waters Village

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"We don't just have children here in Living Waters Village. We truly believe that here we have children which are growing to be future teachers, future Pastors, future Politicians, even future Presidents!"

      So, How Did It Actually Start?


 It all started many years ago when Ronny and Kay Heyboer left their home in Australia and followed God's calling to Borneo in 1995. With no money, few belongings and many people against the idea of their move they were completely trusting in the Lord and his plan. Beginning their work in the city of Kuching, East Malaysia on the Island of Borneo where Ronny was assisting the planting of churches in a local ministry.

           Later in 1997 they found themselves relocating to the Indonesia part of Borneo, all the way to West Kalimantan, where they continue to minister today. In 2002 they moved to the city of Sintang, where they bought a large plot of land further into the jungle where they saw God's vision taking place for these neglected children to have a home. Through being obedient and trusting in the Lord fully He has been able to use them mightily and help them overcome all the obstacles that came their way. All of which prepared them to be able to do the amazing task which God has given them.


Click the link below to read more about how Ronny and Kay came to the jungles of Borneo and how God used them as they were obedient to Him. 





Fountains of Living Water

Fountains of Living Water

Play Video

"My time in LWV was amazing. I learnt to discipline myself daily, to make time for what is really important... spending time with Jesus!"


Be Ready, Be Open, Be Changed

Thinking of coming to Living Waters village to visit? We welcome visitors and volunteers from all over the world to come and support our project in a variety of ways. Over the last years we’ve had many people coming and helping for periods from 3 days to 1 year - and everything in between! There is no set time, just get in touch and we can go from there. England, Holland, Singapore, America, Australia, where-ever you're from, we are looking forward to meeting you! We welcome everyone with a heart to serve and an attitude to get stuck in. If you do have a specific skill, please let us know when you contact us.

Volunteers can help in a wide variety of activities including interacting with the children e.g. playing games, crafts, sports, helping with homework, educational activities, pre-school activities and so much more. Opportunities also exist for sharing testimonies in our meetings, leading prayer mornings and taking part in the whole range of life at Living Waters Village. If you are interested in coming over to Living Waters Village and have a question, please have a quick look at our FAQ page to see if your question is answered on there before emailing. If it's not there please don't be shy to get in contact with the team over here by heading to the 'contact us' page, we're quite friendly - honest!

Visiting LWV

“ I often think back to that scene in the river, seeing that strange White Man taking a bath. How I thank God that our paths crossed that day! To me, he was like an angel of God, sent to the wild jungle. He took me, a starving six-year-old, and loved me, fed me, and helped heal me. Even today, Bapak is still caring for me” – Ezra


Sponsorship / Support


There are different ways to supporting our ministry in Borneo:

  • Through prayer and intercession

  • By coming over for a short or long term period and use your talents and gifts to help out in the many areas we need help in

  • Through general financial support or child sponsorship

Sponsor one of the children

If you would like to sponsor one of the children or young people in the ministry you can contact us via: You will receive a photo of your sponsor child and we try to send an update about your child every year.. You can also send your sponsor child a letter or birthday card (please keep in mind that it may take a few weeks before post arrives to us)


Postal address:
PO Box 3203
Kuching 93762
Sarawak, Malaysia


Donation info per country 

click on the picture of our Mercy below to find out more



"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! How wonderful to see what the Lord is doing in the middle of the Borneo jungle. It was so great to see all of the lovely children learning, playing and growing in their relationship with Jesus. Praise the Lord!"


Contact Us

Thank you for wanting to get in touch with us. With unexpected thunder storms and monkeys swinging on power lines please bear with us in replying, we will do so as soon as we can!


To contact us via mail and to send letters to us or a sponsor child here please us the address below:


PO Box 3203
Kuching 93762
Sarawak, Malaysia

We ask again that you please be aware that post can take a lot longer than normal to arrive to us. While it may be quicker to arrive in Kuching, we won't receive the post until we make a trip to the city. Please be patient with us in replying. Thank you!


Living Waters Village. A Part of Rivers of Life Ministries.

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