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Open up Opportunities

For several decades, Pastor Ronny has traveled the world, passionately sharing the Good News, igniting churches with fresh faith, and recounting incredible testimonies of God's miracles — from the deep jungles of Borneo to many places beyond. His ministry has touched lives across the UK, the Netherlands, Belgium, America, Canada, Australia, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, and more.

If you are interested in inviting Pastor Ronny to speak at your church, organization, or business, we would love to hear from you. Whether addressing one person or a crowd of 10,000, Pastor Ronny believes:
“The Lord has a plan.”

Disclaimer: Requesting Pastor Ronny does not guarantee his attendance. Please wait for confirmation before sharing details of his visit.

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Please feel free to contact us with inquires that you may have using the 'contact us' method below.

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